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Class 08 Second Language English THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES - Questions with Answers are provided below. Along with Questions and Answers, you can also check out THE EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES Part B Grammar also.


1. Why was the Emperor not able to give much time to the business of his kingdom?

Ans: The emperor was spent so many hours every day in his dressing room trying out new clothes. To him new clothes meant more than anything else in the world. The emperor was not able to give much time to the business of his kingdom.


2. Why did the Emperor want a new set of clothes every day?

Ans: Emperor wants a new set of clothes every day. To him new clothes meant more than anything else in the world. 

3. What did the Chief Advisor tell the Emperor about two weavers?

Ans: The chief advisor tells that the two weavers were waiting outside for king. They have found a secret way of weaving the finest silk cloth and making the most beautiful clothes from cloth that they weave. They claim to be magic tailors.


4. What did the two weavers say about the magic way of making beautiful silk cloth?

Ans: Weavers says about the magic way of making beautiful silk cloth which is finely woven and has so many rich colours and also such attractive patterns that only a great Emperor like.

5. How could the clothes made of the magic cloth be different from the ordinary clothes that people wear?

Ans: The magic cloth is different from ordinary clothes that people wear because the clothes only wise men can see what they wearing. But fools will not able to see it at all.


6. Why did the Emperor think that the weavers had given him an excellent idea?

Ans: The king thought that the weavers had given him an excellent idea that he will not only get a new set of clothes, but he will also be able to find out who are fit to manage the affairs of his kingdom and who are not.

7. What conditions did the weavers lay down for starting the work?

Ans: Weavers conditions were they require a large quantity of the finest silk and the purest gold thread.

8. How did the two weavers start their work on the two looms?

Ans: The two weavers are seen working on the looms pretending to weave. They had put away in their bags all the finest silk, the gold thread and the jewels which were given to them for making the new clothes.

9. Why was the Chief Advisor greatly surprised when he first saw them working?

Ans: Chief advisor saw that to be they seem to be working very hard. But where is the cloth on the looms? Good heavens! He can’t see anything on the looms.

10. How did the weavers try to confuse the Chief Advisor?

Ans: Weavers confused the Chief Advisor as they show the pattern and asked him that you like this pattern the circles and the flowing lines are good aren’t they. The chief advisor confused because they says that wise men can see the dress. So he says that all patterns are good. 


11. What made the Chief Advisor feel worried about his own fitness for the post he was holding?

Ans: Chief Advisor was feeling worried and said heaven help me! There was nothing on the looms. But the weavers said “Only wise men can see the clothes that we make. Those who cannot see them are fools or unfit for their jobs”. Chief Advisor questioned himself Am I fool? Am I unfit for post?

12. Why did the Advisor’s Special Assistant consider his experience to be terrible?

Ans: The Special Assistant showed a great surprise when he sees the two weavers working on the two looms with no trace of any cloth or thread on it. He experienced to be terrible he wondered himself as he was a fool? He was unfit for job? 

13. How did the two weavers pretended to make the Emperor’s new clothes and help him to wear them?

Ans: Weavers pretending the Emperor to hold the invisible clothes in his hands and bowing to him. They said to king here are the coats and trousers which king will wear in the procession. Coat which you will wear over the suit they said to king. 

14. Why did the Chief Advisor request the Emperor to show himself on the balcony?

Ans: People were waiting outside to see the king in new clothes. Please if king show yourself on the balcony before the procession sets out.


15. What was the Emperor’s replay to his request?

Ans:  The Emperor replayed certainly my good Chief Advisor. He will put on the wonderful clothes these tailors have made for him. He will come as soon as he ready.  


16. How did the countries behave when the Emperor walked towards the balcony almost naked?

Ans: When the emperor reached the balcony cheers stop all of a studden and there is pin – drop silence. Then the voice of a little child is heard crying out with laughter.

17. What happened when the Emperor reached the balcony?

Ans: Emperor reached the balcony cheers stop all of a studden and there is pin – drop silence. Then the voice of a little child is heard crying out with laughter look, look daddy the Emperor has no clothes on at all. Has the king king become very poor? Doesn’t he have money to buy clothes?

18. The Emperor has been described as proud and foolish. But has another serious weakness which is shown in his behaviour towards his Chief Advisor. Write a paragraph describing the Emperor’s character.

Ans: The emperor was spent so many hours every day in his dressing room trying out new clothes. To him new clothes meant more than anything else in the world. The emperor spent so many hours in his dressing room trying out new clothes, that he had very little time to attend to the affairs of his kingdom. He was a foolish and not able to control his kingdom. Weavers make a trick to naked him.

19. Imagine you are the child who laughed at the king at the end of the story. Narrate the scene to your friends, and write the narration.

Ans: Dear friend Ramesh Yesterday I had been going to the capital city with my father to see king with his new clothes. The Emperor is seen coming out of the dressing room almost naked and walking through the hall towards balcony. The courtiers show great surprise to see the Emperor having little clothes on his body. But no one says anything because they have been told that only wise men will be able to see the Emperor’s new clothes, and the fools and the people who unfit for their post will not see them. Loud cheers are heard from the crowd standing on the road outside. When the Emperor reaches the balcony, cheers stop all of a studden and there is pin-drop silence. Then I heard and crying out with laughter and I ask to my father “look, look Daddy, Emperor has no clothes on at all. Did the king become very poor? Didn’t he have money to buy clothes”? 

20. The weavers tricked the Emperor. Do you think what they did was right?

Ans: The weavers tricked the Emperor. Yes, we think the weavers were right.



V1. Look at the following opposites.

1] Useful x useless
2] powerful x powerless
3] Hopeful x hopeless
4] helpful x helpless
5] Worthy x worthless
6] careful x careless

Note: The suffix –less means ‘without’ as in –noiseless [without noise]; purposeless [without purpose].

Now make as many phrases as possible and use them in sentences of your own. One example is done for you.


V2. Read the following phrases given in the web – diagram.

From the web-diagram frame phrases like Set up........ First, match them with their meanings given in the brackets. Then fill in the blanks.  


Use the correct form of the phrasal verbs given in the V3 and fill in the blanks appropriately.

1) Why don’t you set down ideas on paper?
2) Ravi and Raju have set up on a journey round the world.
3) How long will you take to set off this machine?
4) Suma set off herself set up going to University.
5) If we all set in, we can finish the cleaning in an hour.
6) I have to buy some woollens before the cold weather set down.

V3. Read the sentence and match them with their meanings.


V4. Read the table and study the example. Different forms of the words are given below.

Different forms of words


Now frame sentences using each of these word forms.

e.g. The scientist was successful in his efforts.

V5. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the words in the brackets. One example has been given for you. Write different forms of words and frame on example for each form of word.

1) The dog was named [name] Tommy.
2) I’m hoping that you’ll succeed this time.
3) His love was only a pretended to cheat me.
4) The child was healthy and good-looking.
5) It is our duty to serve [service] our parents in their old age.
6) Parents should educate [education] their children to behave well.

V6. Fill in the blanks using appropriate form of the words given in the brackets.

We had a wondered [wonder] holiday at Ooty last summer. The weather was cold [cool] most of the time. We had pleased [please] showers almost daily. The food was delightful [delicious], but father thought it was rather spicy [spice]. The people were friendly [friend] and the scenery was extremely attractive [attract]! We took a lot of beautiful [beauty] photographs of the hills and valleys. One night we watched a show of folk dance and music. Oh, it was so entertainer [entertain]! On our last day, we went to the State Emporium and bought some arts [art] things made out of wood.

V7. Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections.

1) The News are very good.
Ans: The News is very good.

2) There are 26 letters of the alphabets in English.
Ans: There are 26 letters of the alphabet in English.

3) Please give me some informations.
Ans: Please give me some information.

4) I have bought some furnitures last week.
Ans: I have bought some furniture last week.

5) Politics are the last resort of scoundrels.
Ans: Politics is the last resort of scoundrels.

6) There are more sceneries in the paintings.
Ans: There is more scenery in the paintings.

Note: the following words are generally used in the singular.

Furniture, alphabet, scenery, machinery, information, vocation, hair

The following words have plural forms but take a singular verb.

Physics, politics, economics, news, innings, headquarters


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