1. It turned out that this problem had a direct connection with the theory of seismic waves.
a. When did this ‘problem’ arise?
Ans: This problem arose during the Geneva Summit.
b. What is the theory of science?
Ans: Underground nuclear explosions produced earth tremors like those generated by earthquakes.
c. What is the ‘problem’ referred here?
Ans: The ‘problem’ referred here is how the powers could detect the violation of agreement.
2. The three nuclear powers were willing to come to an agreement.
a. Who were the three nuclear powers?
Ans: soviet Union, United States and United Kingdom
b. What was the agreement?
Ans: Putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test.
c. Why did they come to an agreement?
Ans: At that time every man and child on the Earth lived under the threat of annihilation
3. At that time every man and child on the Earth lived under the threat of annihilation?
a. From which lesson/poem this extract is taken?
b. What caused this thread?
Ans: Nuclear weapons
c. Why did everyone live under the threat?
Ans: Because each super power nation seemed stronger than the other as far as nuclear weapons were concerned.
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