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Class 08 Second Language English  THE BOY WHO ASKED FOR MORE - Questions with Answers are provided below. Along with Questions and Answers, you can also check out THE BOY WHO ASKED FOR MORE Part B Grammar also.


C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

1. Where was Oliver Twist born?

Ans: Oliver Twist was born in the poor house of a little country town on a cold, black night in the winter of 1837.

2. Who were present when Oliver was born?

Ans: When Oliver was born in that time a doctor and an old pauper women were present.

3. What happened to the mother as soon as the child was born?

Ans: The mother was died almost as soon as the baby took his first breath.

4. What did the mother look like while she was alive?

Ans: Mother was a young, good looking woman while she was alive.

5. Who was Mr. Bumble?

Ans: Mr. Bumble was the town beadle.

6. How did Mr. Bumble treat the children?

Ans: Mr. Bumble starved and ill-treated the children under his care.

7. What did Oliver’s friends want to ask the master?

Ans: Oliver’s friends want to ask him. They persuaded him to ask for more.

C2. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

1. How were the children fed in the house?

Ans: The boys were fed in a large, stone hall, with a big, metal basin at the end. The master stood by the basin and served each child with a small bowl of watery gruel.

2. Why was ‘a council’ held by the boys? What did they decide in it?

Ans: Oliver and his friends were always hungry and never given enough to eat. They decide to Oliver Twist was appointed to walk up to the master after supper and to ask for more.

3. What did Oliver ask his master for?

Ans: Oliver asked his master for ask for more.

4. How did the master react to the request of Oliver?

Ans: The master said to Oliver ‘what’. Oliver asks the master to I want some more. The master aimed a blow at his head, seized him by arms, and shouted for beadle. Mr. Bumble rushed Oliver into the room in great excitement. Oliver locked in a room to spend the night alone.     

5. What was the punishment that Oliver got for ‘asking for more’?

Ans: The punishment that Oliver locked in a room to spend the night alone.

6. What was Oliver’s crime according to Mr. Bumble?

Ans: According to Mr. Bumble Oliver’s asking for more was Oliver’s crime.

Read and Write:

C3. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

1. Briefly explain the circumstances under which Oliver Twist was born. 

Ans: Oliver was born in the poor house of a little country town on a cold, black night in the winter of 1837. The birth was attended by a doctor who was hastily called for the purpose and by an old pauper woman was experienced in such matters. The mother died almost as soon as the baby took his first breath. 

2. How can you say that Oliver’s mother was a poor woman?

Ans: Oliver’s mother was a poor woman she was a young, good looking woman who had been found lying in the street. It was clear that she had walked some distance before she died. Her shoes had been torn to pieces. Where she had come from or where she had been going, nobody knew.

3. What kind of a man was Mr. Bumble?

Ans: Mr. Bumble was a town beadle he had full authority over the people of the poor house. He thought himself as a very great man indeed. He starved and ill-treated the children under his care.

4. Why were the boys always hungry?

Ans: The master stood by the basin and served each child with a small bowl of watery gruel. Boys generally have excellent appetites. Oliver and his companions were always hungry and never given enough to eat.

5. How did the children plan themselves to satisfy their hunger?

Ans: A council was held and take the decision as Oliver Twist was appointed to walk up to the master after supper and to ask for more.

6. What was the result of Oliver’s request for more food?

Ans: The result was Oliver rushed into the room by Mr. Bumble in excitement. As a punishment, for his greed and boldness Oliver was immediately locked in a room to spend the night alone. Early next morning a notice was pasted on the outside of the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to any man or woman who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the poor house.

7. Why did Mr. Bumble get a notice pasted outside the gate? Explain.

Ans: As a punishment for his greed and boldness, Oliver was immediately locked in a room to spend the night alone. Early next morning a notice was pasted on the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to any man or woman who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the poor house.

8. Sum up Oliver’s birth and his life in the poor house.

Ans: Oliver was born in the poor house of a little country town on a cold, black night in the winter of 1837. The birth was attended by a doctor who was hastily called for the purpose and by an old pauper woman was experienced in such matters. The mother died almost as soon as the baby took his first breath.

9. Briefly narrate the events that led to Oliver being locked up on a room.

Ans: Oliver rushed into the room by Mr. Bumble in excitement. As a punishment, for his greed and boldness Oliver was immediately locked in a room to spend the night alone. Early next morning a notice was pasted on the outside of the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to any man or woman who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the poor house.



V1. Underline the word that does not belong to the group in each case.

1) Farmer, former, doctor, teacher e.g. former
2) Ate, swallowed, smelt, gulped smelt
3) Miserable, sad, agile, sorrowful agile
4) stated, said, narrated, heard heard
5) Quickly, hastily, rudely, immediately rudely
6) Weak, pale, robust, thin robust

V2 Look at the following two words.

[i] appoint [ii] appointment

The first is a verb and the second is a noun. We add-‘ment’ to the verb and get the noun. Given below is a list of nouns. Some are made from verbs. e.g., ‘movement’ and some are not. e.g., ‘cement’. Pick out the words which are made from verbs.

[a] Movement - made from verb
[b] Cement - not made from verb
[c] Amazement - made from verb
[d] Development - made from verb
[e] Instrument - not made from verb
[f] Establishment - made from verb
[g] Measurement - made from verb
[h] Regiment - not made from verb
[i] Astonishment - made from verb
[j] Government - made from verb
[k] Moment - not made from verb
[l] Garment - not made from verb

V3. Write down the noun forms of the following verbs. they do not take suffix –‘ment’ ending. [You may consult a dictionary if you like]
e.g. invent            - invention
[i] Born         - Birth
[ii] Suggest - Suggestion
[iii] Exist        - Existence
[iv] Grow - Growth
[v] Tire         - Tiresome
[vi] Think - Thought

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