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1. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blest”

a. Who said this?

Ans:  Portia said this.

b. What is compared to the gentle rain from heaven?

Ans: Mercy

c. Why does the speaker feel it is twice blest?

Ans: According to the speaker, the person who shows mercy and the person who receives mercy are also blest

2. His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty.

a. Who does ‘him’ refer to?
Ans: Him refers to the king.

a. How does the sceptre show temporal power?
Ans.: The sceptre creates fear among people.

b. In contrast, what quality does mercy stand for?
Ans.: Mercy stands for divine quality and it flows from the heart.

3. ‘It’s mightiest in the mightiest’

a. Who said this?
Ans:  Portia said this.

b. Who is mighty?
Ans.: Mercy

c. How is it mighty?
Ans.: Quality of Mercy is more powerful than all the symbols of power on earth.

4. It is an attribute to God himself.

a. What is the meaning of the word ‘attribute’?
Ans: Characteristic

b. What is this attribute?
Ans.: Quality of Mercy

c. Why is it a quality of God?
Ans.: God is all merciful and anyone on earth who preaches it is like God.

5. It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes

a. What is ‘it’ refers to?
Ans: It refers to mercy.

b. How does it bless the one who gives?
Ans.: The giver gets the blessing as he has helped the other person.

c. How does it bless the one who takes?
Ans.: The taker is blest because he is forgiven

6. Mercy is above the Sceptred sway.

a. From which lesson/poem it is taken from?
Ans:  It is taken from the poem Quality of Mercy.

b. What is a Sceptre?
Ans.: It is a decorated rod carried by monarchs.

c. How is mercy above the Sceptred sway?
Ans.: Mercy is a divine quality or Godly power whereas Sceptre is an earthly temporal power.

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