1. “Brother, climb that tree and see whether there is any pool or river nearby.”
A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: Yudhistira
B. Who does brother refer?
Ans: Nakula
C. Why did he say so?
Ans: Because they were thirty and weary.
2. “At a little distance I see water plants and cranes.
A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: Nakula
B. Who does he say?
Ans: Yudhistira
C. What it means?
Ans: It means there must be water.
3. “Stop! Nakula! Do not drink. This pool belongs to me.
A. Who said this?
Ans: Yaksha
B. Whom was it said?
Ans: Nakula
C. When was it said?
Ans: When Nakula began to drink water.
4. “Who are you? Come and stand up to me and I will kill you.”
A. Who said this?
Ans: Arjuna
B. Whom was it said?
Ans: Un seen foe.
C. When was it said?
Ans: When Arjuna heard the warning voice.
5. “Please ask your questions”.
A. Who is the speaker?
Ans: Yudhistira
B. Whom was it said?
Ans: Yaksha
C. When was it said?
Ans: When voice without form warned him.
6. “What is happiness?”
A. Who asked this question?
Ans: Yaksha
B. Whom was it asked?
Ans: Yudhistira
C. What was the answer?
Ans: The result of good conduct.
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