1. Who did Yudhistira ask to see for water?
Ans: Yudhistira asked Nakula to see for water.
2. Why do you think Nakula was happy when he got to the place?
Ans: Nakula was happy when he got to the place because he saw there was a pool.
3. Can you give a word for ‘transparent’ which means almost the same?
Ans: ‘Clear’ is a word which means the same meaning of transparent.
4. Why do you think Nakula did not obey the voice?
Ans: Nakula did not obey the voice because he was very thirsty and he thought of quenching his thirst first.
5. What happened to Nakula did not obey the voice?
Ans: Nakula felt terribly drowsy and he fell down; to all appearance dead.
6. Why did Yudhistira send Sahadeva to see what the matter was?
Ans: When Nakula did not return for a long time, Yudhistira sent Sahadeva to see what the matter was.
7. Why did Sahadeva meet the same fate as Nakula?
Ans: Sahadeva also disobey the voice so he also met the same fate as Nakula met.
1. What did Arjuna see when he got to the pool?
Ans: Arjuna saw his brothers lying dead near the pool.
2. Why do you think the voice did not allow Arjuna to drink water?
Ans: The voice wanted answers from Arjuna and it wanted test him. So it did not allow Arjuna to drink water.
3. Why did the invisible being laughed at Arjuna?
Ans: Arjuna angrily cried at the voice that he would kill it and he shot the arrows in the direction of the voice. The arrows did not hurt it. So it laughed.
4. What was the warning of Yaksha to Yudhistira?
Ans: Yaksha warned Yudhistira that his brothers died because they did not heed his words, so he should not follow them and answer his questions.
5. Do you observe any difference between Arjuna and Yudhistira in their response to the invisible voice?
Ans: Yes, there was a difference between them. Arjuna cried angrily and tried to kill Yaksha and he did not heed the warning. But Yudhistira requested Yaksha to ask questions.
6. Why do you think all the brothers fell unconscious when they drank water?
Ans: All the brothers did not heed the warning of Yaksha and they tried to drink water so they all fell unconsciousness.
1. According to Yudhistira mind is faster than the wind? Do you agree with him?
Ans: Yes, I agree with Yudhistira that mind is faster than the wind. If we thought about anything within a second the image is coming to our mind.
2. What is that abandoning which man becomes loved by all?
Ans: By abandoning the pride man will be loved by all.
3. What is the answer of Yudhistira to the question, ‘Who rescues man in danger’?
Ans: Yudhistir answered that ‘courage’, which rescues man in danger.
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